
5555 N LAMAR B-110 AUSTIN, TX 78751

Personal Fitness Training Rates


We offer two types of personal training: Basic and Premium. The primary difference between the two types of training is the emphasis on and accountability regarding NUTRITION.  Both types of training have an extremely high success rate.  Click here to see 80+ GrassIron SUCCESS STORIES!*

BASIC Personal Training (30 & 60-minute training sessions):

The BASIC membership includes personalized attention, an individual program specific to your fitness goals, and general nutritional recommendations. Each workout is carefully supervised and includes individual feedback and appropriate progressions in intensity.

  • 1 Training Session/Week (30-min session):                $173/mo X 3 Months
  • 1 Training Session/Week (60-min session):                $229/mo X 3 Months
  • 2 Training Sessions/Week (30-min session):              $324/mo X 3 Months
  • 2 Training Sessions/Week (60-min session):              $439/mo X 3 Months
  • 3 Training Sessions/Week (30-min session):              $469/mo X 3 Months
  • 3 Training Sessions/Week (60-min session):              $619/mo X 3 Months

No Commitment/Single Sessions:  60-minute sessions $65 each, 30-minute sessions $47 each

PREMIUM Personal Training (60-minute training sessions):

The PREMIUM membership includes personalized attention and an individual program specific to your fitness goals. Each workout is carefully supervised and includes individual feedback and appropriate progressions in intensity. The PREMIUM membership also includes 1 personalized nutritional consultation EACH MONTH.

  • 1 Training Session/Week;  1 Nutrition Consultation/Mo:    $272/mo X 3 Months
  • 2 Training Sessions/Week; 1 Nutrition Consultation/Mo:   $472/mo X 3 Months
  • 3 Training Sessions/Week; 1 Nutrition Consultation/Mo:   $649/mo X 3 Months

No Commitment/Single Sessions:  $65 each


If you need extra accountability regarding NUTRITION, the premium membership is a better option for you. With the premium membership, you'll meet with a trainer for 30 minutes each month to review your current nutrition and to make modifications.

Interested in a NUTRITION CONSULTATION?  Click here to learn more.

Want to find out how we can help you reach your fitness goals?  Schedule your FREE Consultation today!


We specialize in personal trainingpowerlifting, and Olympic Weightlifting. Our trainers/coaches have experience working with clients of all ages/fitness levels. Whether youʼre a couch potato or a competitive athlete, we care about your unique goals, and our only goal is to help you reach them!


5555 N LAMAR B-110 AUSTIN, TX 78751

© 2023 Grassiron LLC. All rights reserved.

*As with any fitness program, individual results may vary. Success Stories and Testimonials are REAL GRASSIRON CLIENTS and are meant to be a showcase of the best results the program has produced; they are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. You should consult your physician before starting any fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs.