Here's a sneak peek into the RESULTS LAB:
In the first session, each one of us will design one to three fitness-related results that we want to go for in the lab. By the end of the first session, we'll walk out knowing exactly what the challenge is going to be! We probably won't know how we're going to accomplish the result(s); we'll just know what we want to accomplish.
To prepare for the first session, please answer some or all of the following questions for yourself. The purpose of these questions is to "prime the pump" and get the creative juices flowing. Even if you already think you know what you want to work on in the lab, spend some time reflecting on these questions anyway. You might be surprised by what you come up with! You won't have to turn your answers into anyone, and you are free to share them with others, or not share them.
- Why did you sign up for the lab?
- You find a magic lantern and the genie gives you three fitness wishes. What do you say?
- What's a goal that you've committed to time and time again, yet never have been able to pull off?
- What fitness goals are you sick of thinking about?
- What's something that you'd love to make happen, but you have no idea how to do it?
- What's an external fitness result you'd like to produce?
- What's in internal fitness result you'd like to produce?
- What's a fitness result you'd be pleased as punch about, that you secretly want, but you'd never share with anyone?
- What's a result you'd be crazy to commit to producing, but you'd definitely take it if you could have it?
- (Your question here)
Think about these questions, jot down your answers, and bring your notes with you to the first session.
If you have any questions, feel free to email Susan, the lab facilitator.
LAB MEETING DATES: May 26, June 9, June 23, July 7, July 21, Aug 4, Aug 18, Sept 1