
5555 N LAMAR B-110 AUSTIN, TX 78751

GrassIron Results Lab: Results

September 6, 2012

The end of summer marked the end of our very first Results Lab.  As you can see, it was an incredibly productive 3-month journey!

Some of the amazing things the labsters ACCOMPLISHED:

  • Lost 6 pounds
  • Gained a group of fitness support people in my life
  • Able to do a handstand against wall for 5 breaths
  • Had some great bike commutes to work during heat of summer
  • Lost over 20 pounds
  • Made new friends that are very supportive of my goals
  • Track my food daily on My Fitness Pal
  • Swam 2-3 miles each week
  • Can lift arm gracefully without pain
  • Lost 5 pounds
  • I am stronger and have more energy
  • I am sleeping nearly 7 hours each night
  • Lost 4 pounds
  • Walked an average of 3.5 miles each day

Some of the helpful things they LEARNED:

  • To bring my scale with me when I travel
  • To do something every day – either walk or gym
  • When stuck, I try to go for 80% instead of 100%.  80% is a total WIN!
  • Process oriented goals are better than outcome goals
  • Food tracking makes a HUGE difference
  • Weightlifters can be cool people and they are not as scary as they look on TV (my personal favorite)
  • My Fitness Pal gave me helpful knowledge that Weight Watchers didn’t
  • It’s possible to make exercise a priority even when I am super-busy at work
  • Consistency is the key
  • To reach out to people for support… and to give support

Thank you, Susan, for being the most awesome facilitator imaginable, and thanks to the Labsters for filling the gym with laughter and warmth every other Saturday!  And congratulations on your RESULTS!



We specialize in personal trainingpowerlifting, and Olympic Weightlifting. Our trainers/coaches have experience working with clients of all ages/fitness levels. Whether youʼre a couch potato or a competitive athlete, we care about your unique goals, and our only goal is to help you reach them!


5555 N LAMAR B-110 AUSTIN, TX 78751

© 2023 Grassiron LLC. All rights reserved.

*As with any fitness program, individual results may vary. Success Stories and Testimonials are REAL GRASSIRON CLIENTS and are meant to be a showcase of the best results the program has produced; they are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. You should consult your physician before starting any fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs.