First, something to crow about:
I set two personal records and matched a third at this end of this last training cycle. My current numbers on the big three power lifts are
- Bench Press: 151.7 lbs (2010 Longhorn: 137.5 lbs)
- Squats: 231.5 lbs (2010 Longhorn: 185 lbs)
- Deadlifts: 297.5 lbs (2010 Longhorn: 275 lbs)
To get one’s powerlifting total, you simply add up the numbers on those three lifts. Currently, my total is 680.7 lbs; for the 2010 Longhorn, it was 597.5. I would love to hit 697.5 or higher this year – a full 100 pounds better than last time.
Additionally, I signed up for our Impromptu Weight Loss competition a couple of weeks ago. I gained weight the first week, but after refocusing my attention on it, my weight is down several pounds from initial weigh-in. Woot!
Results Lab
I am signed up for the inaugural class of GrassIron’s Result Lab, starting on Saturday. I’m pretty excited about this, as are other people. At GrassIron, we were all surprised at just how quickly the course filled up. We even had to turn people away. As soon as the dates for the next one are set, I’ll be sure to post them here.
Susan, the facilitator, sent the participants some questions to think about before coming to the initial meeting. I thought I would share my answers with y’all.
1. Why did you sign up for the lab?
I signed up for the Lab because my weight is a constant struggle. Beginning in 2007 and continuing into 2008, I lost over 70 lbs. Since then, I’ve gained 50 of it back and am struggling against gaining more. Over the last year, I’ve tried and failed to get back on track. Each time I do this, it makes it tougher to succeed the next time I try.
2. You find a magic lantern and the genie gives you three fitness wishes. What do you say?
1) Maintain a healthy & lean body composition.
2) Motivation to do the more onerous parts of my powerlifting program. Those days that I have to lift lighter weights for more reps, like today, just kill me.
3) Ability to complete a triathlon. I’m not greedy, I don’t need to do an Ironman; a sprint triathlon will be just fine.
3. What’s a goal that you’ve committed to time and time again, yet have never been able to pull off?
Well, the question asks what I’ve never been able to pull off. I’ve been able to lose the weight several times before, but I’ve never been able to KEEP IT OFF. There is no point in losing weight, if I’m just going to gain it back again.
4. What fitness goals are you sick of thinking about?
Losing weight, losing weight, losing weight. Ugh.
5. What’s something you’d love to make happen but you have no idea how to do it?
I would love to learn how to consistently motivate myself to do the things I already know how to do.
6. What’s an external fitness result you’d like to produce?
In three months, I would like to lose 20 lbs.
7. What’s an internal fitness result you’d like to produce?
Eating only to nourish my body. I’d like to stop using food for self-medication: as entertainment when I’m bored, as a friend when I’m lonely, and as a cheer-me-up when I’m sad.
8. What’s a fitness result that you’d be pleased as punch about, that you secretly want, but you’d never share with others?
I’m not sure if this is what Susan wants for this item, but it’s what I got: I secretly want to be able to eat all the cheese I want and still lose weight.
9. What’s a result you’d be crazy to commit to producing, but you’d definitely take it if you could have it?
It would be great if I could lose 30 pounds instead of 20. That is, losing 10 lbs per month instead of 6 to 7 lbs.