Hi Amalia,
Just wanted to tell you that I hit a new clean PR today of 115kg (or
as my mom put it, 12.65 turkeys assuming 20# birds) - I think this
program (in conjunction with the last one that makes this program feel
like a taper almost) is working quite well for me, and that I'm
finally reaching the consistency that lets me actually exploit some of
the "easy" gains that felt just out of reach for so long. We'll see
how long these PRs hold out, but I'm making pretty good progress! The
clean was pretty easy feeling in some ways, though I missed my first
attempt (didn't finish the pull), and I didn't catch the bounce on the
second (still stood up though.) I think 120kg isn't so far away if I
can make sure to catch the bounce. Now I just need to get my jerk
somewhere close to that!
Anyway, just wanted to thank you for all the help so far, and I hope
you have a happy thanksgiving!*
New Clean Personal Record (Set at GrassIron Spring Fling Weightlifting Meet): 120kg!! Gobble gobble!*